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The first high parameter waste incineration unit was officially put into commercial operation

During the "72+24" hour full load test run of unit 3 of the second phase project of Guangzhou seventh resource thermal power plant, the main and auxiliary equipment and systems have undergone various tests and adjustments during the no-load, on load, full load continuous operation and the whole set start-up phase, and the performance is stable and the equipment is in good operation condition. The input rate of main instruments is percent, the input rate of protection is percent, the automatic input rate is percent, the steam water quality is percent qualified by stages, the vacuum tightness test value of the unit is 0.88 kPa, and the maximum shaft vibration of the unit is 46 microns, which can ensure the safe, stable, economic and environmental protection long-term operation after handover for production.
The project is located in TANKOU village, Aotou Town, Conghua District, Guangzhou. It is one of the six waste incineration power generation projects planned by Guangzhou. The designed daily waste treatment capacity is 3000 tons. The annual operation hours of the incineration line are not less than 8000 hours. It is equipped with four sets of Mechanical incinerators with a rated treatment capacity of 800 tons per day. The No. 3 sub high temperature and ultra-high pressure steam turbine generator unit put into operation this time is a supporting unit of two single intermediate reheat, single drum sub high temperature and ultra-high pressure natural circulation boilers, It is an advanced technology adopted for the first time in the world. The rated inlet steam pressure is 13 MPa, the inlet steam temperature is 485 ℃ and the rated load is 50 MW. It is the world's highest parameter unit in the field of waste incineration. The thermal energy efficiency has been greatly improved. The successful commissioning of unit 3 not only has an important demonstration significance in the waste incineration power generation industry, but also will provide a high parameter, high efficiency Provide important industry reference for the development and implementation of large capacity. The completion of the project will solve the dilemma of "garbage besieging the city" in Guangzhou, contribute to the development of green circular economy, improve urban infrastructure, and promote the healthy, sustainable and stable development of Guangzhou's economy and society.
Since the commencement of the project, the project builders have insisted on the node objectives, focused on the main production line, strictly grasped the epidemic prevention and control, and strictly controlled the safety and quality. During the trial operation of unit 3, in order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, the project department overcame difficulties, took the initiative, and Party members and cadres rushed forward to coordinate the commissioning and defect elimination of unit 3, so as to ensure that the "72+24" hour trial operation of unit 3 can be passed at one time, and the goal of "double investment" can be smoothly achieved.



Name: Eric

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